Financial Life Planning


Fondos Asesorados

Delving into Advised Funds in the Spanish Financial Landscape

In the most dynamic corners of the Spanish financial stage, advised funds have emerged as true architects of diversification and portfolio optimization. Over the past few years, this niche has experienced astonishing growth, with the total assets of advised funds in Spain reaching an impressive 3.702 million euros in 2023, marking a notable increase of …

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Mujeres y finanzas

Empowering Women in the World of Finance: Progress and Challenges

In recent decades, the world of finance has witnessed a significant transformation, with a steady growth in women’s participation in this field. As gender barriers continue to be challenged, women are proving to be a key driving force in the world of finance, bringing a unique perspective and exceptional skills. In this article, we will …

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Universo Financiero FLP

Financial Education reaches University Classrooms

The European Association of Financial Advisers and Planners (EFPA) Spain has launched an exciting initiative called ‘Financial Universe.‘ This initiative is part of the ninth edition of its Financial Education program, which aims to bring financial education to university classrooms across the country. The best part is that this training is entirely optional and free …

Financial Education reaches University Classrooms Read More »

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